

GDSA presents a series of awards each season.

Best and Fairest and Runner Up Best and Fairest Awards - umpires at the end of each game give 3 votes, 2 votes and 1 votes. These are tallied up at the end of each season.

Presidents Trophy - awarded by the President to a member of the Association who provided outstanding service and contributed to the growth or operations of the Association during that season.

Scorers Trophy: teams can nominate a scorer that they believe has either given the most to their Club or their Association. This can go to an experienced scorer or beginner who shows initiative to learn.

Senior Umpire: Awarded by the Senior Umpires Director to the senior umpire that has stood out for either their skill or commitment to umpiring.

Junior Umpire: Awarded by the Junior Umpires Director to the junior umpire that has developed their skills and contributed to the Association.

Most Runs Shield: Awards to a team within the Association who has scored the most runs that season.

Club Championship Shield: Awarded to the Club whose teams ranked highest in that given season combined with their Best & Fairest votes divided by the number of teams.

Senior State Championship Awards

Senior State Championship Awards

Each year the Senior State Championship Coaches can select two awards to present for that season. The name of these awards can vary from year to year.

Junior State Championship Awards

Each year the Junior State Championship Coaches can select two awards to present for that season. The name of these awards can vary from year to year.

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